I am a Reiki Master - Usui/Holy Fire® Karuna Reiki®, Evidential Medium, Intuitive Oracle Card Reader, Clinical Hypnotherapist, and an ordained minister of the Universal Life Church.
All my life I felt I had certain gifts but I didn't know what they were or how to use them. I didn't even know they were "gifts", and I just said "something weird is happening". I didn't know how to find the people that could help me so I put that aside for many years. By the time I felt I was ready to explore and expand, I was with people who only laughed or scoffed when I tried to explain what I wanted to do. Then life got in the way...I became a single mom and knew it wasn't the right time to head down that path. Finally, a few years ago I was able to begin my spiritual journey in earnest, and have studied with two internationally-known psychic mediums, and a fabulous teacher of Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki. I have learned so much and sometimes regret all the years I missed doing what I now know I'm meant to do, but the universe knew when I was truly ready to take that first step. Today I am here to share my gifts with you.
~ Anne Sablan
My Sapphire Dragon